Begin your own Search for Noah's Ark

Located in the northeast corner of Turkey is Mount Ararat known by the locals as Agri Dagh or Painful Mountain. This special mountain is close to the borders of Iran and Armenia (formerly Soviet Union) and a desired land for the ever wandering Kurds. This location does not provide any kind of hospitable environment for an exploratory search for Noah's Ark. There are friendly shepherds which live on the mountain and smile and wave as hikers pass their grazing fields. The mountain provides their sustenance through pure mountain water from glacier runoff, valley crops rich from sunshine, and the herds of sheep and goats that they tend. Most of the shepherds are very peaceful and friendly, but strong unrest in the region sets an erie feel for an less-than-peaceful search for something special.

According to the Bible account in the book of Genesis, Noah's Ark came to rest over 4300 years ago on the mountains of Ararat. Based upon the information gathered, Noah's Ark does exist on Mount Ararat also known as Mount Judi by some Muslim scholars. It has been preserved all of these years by the hand of God and exists the high elevation ice fields on Ararat.

This mountain is home to many mysteries, dangers and troubles. Begin your own search to find out more by selecting items on the menu above.

Did you know that Mount Ararat is a volcano and experienced a serious earthquake in 1840? Also, we call the mountain Ararat but the Qur'an calls the location Mount Judi (XI. 44). Are these two different places? Local people call it Agri Dagh which means Mountain of Pain. Why do you think that is? Read on to learn more.